Weight Loss and Nutritional Coaching
It is commonly understood that a poor diet cannot be compensated for by increased training.
The word ‘Diet’ triggers all kinds of emotions. Deprivation. Suffering. Hardship. So of course we try to avoid it. We may even exercise harder to make up for our poor dietary habits, but the reality is you can’t out-train poor eating habits. Food is Medicine. If you take the wrong Medicine, you will remain unwell. Personal training and nutrition go hand in hand.
Your slowing metabolism as you age means you probably can’t get away with eating what you used to. Years of poor eating habits will also start to show symptoms. Weight gain being just one. Brain Fog. Poor sleep patterns. All can be blamed on poor eating habits.
Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and ensuring your body gets the nutrition it needs requires you to understand how food metabolises in the body.
What foods cause inflammation in the body and what the effect is of inflammation? What’s the role of sugar, dairy, gluten and alcohol. What is the role of a balanced and healthy gut? Once we understand how our bodies work and the role that food plays as medicine, then it is easier for us to start to take control and effect real change.
Bulletproof Bodies will help you understand all these concepts.
Why is it that you carry excess belly fat (visceral fat) even though you may be fit? Why do you get bloated? If we can’t answer the question, we will refer to our trusted allied health network.
We will help you embrace the importance of healthy eating. We educate you on what good nutrition is and how to eat for your individual body type. You’ll learn to form good eating habits that stick. And you won’t just lose weight, you’ll feel better on the inside, more vital, sleep better and function better in daily life.
Together with exercise and health coaching, Bulletproof Bodies can help you feel your best self yet. Vital, energised and ready to take on the world. Just because you haven’t seen it yet, doesn’t mean you can’t realise your wellness and weight loss goals starting now.

Discover what healthy really feels like. Make contact with us now for a confidential consultation.